Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hopeful Today!

   There are times when nothing around you seems right . Sadness and misery surrounds you and what does one do ? Embrace it . Human mind i have felt is a magical pot of constant occurring chemical reactions . The end products reflect in our emotions and the ingredients are a result of how we perceive things around us. Is it normal to feel sad ? It should be because its quite normal to feel happy. And acceptance of how you feel is the first way to appreciate the feeling. And appreciation of anything leads you back to being happy or lets call it an end product where the ingredient is appreciation . Some might go a further distance and paint a beautiful sad picture or make a sad melody which captures the feeling.
   The beauty of it all is that it totally depends on us as to how we feel . If you want to feel differently find the ingredient accordingly but be very sure that its something you feel and nothing physical like food or alcohol. Because one is dealing with the mental side of things and therefore the physical things wouldn't work.
   When the sun rose in the distant horizon the birds chirped, the trees swayed, the gentle breeze carried the morning fragrance while i gazed from the window , it was a sight of the Hopeful Today !


  1. When the sun rose in the distant horizon the birds chirped, the trees swayed, the gentle breeze carried the morning fragrance while i gazed from the window , it was a sight of the Hopeful Today !

